Year 9 Retreat 2022

15 November 2022

“Leaving a Legacy” was the theme of our Year 9 and 10 Retreats this year.

Year 9 Retreat 2022

Leaving a Legacy was the theme of our Year 9 and 10 Retreats this year. We were blessed with two stunning summer days as students were welcomed onto Hamilton’s Catholic Marae – Hui te Rangiora.

We spent the first part of our day reflecting on Jesus’ call to take action, listen and live out the Gospels’ message. We focused on Mary, Martha and Dame Whina Cooper as examples of Wahine Toa who, through adversity, lived the mission of the Church, advocating for hope, peace and love in their different ways. They were not rich or famous, nor had the intention to be – they saw a need and knew that if not them, then who?

Students were led in a liturgy, moving through rotations, which focused on the story from the Gospel of Luke on Martha and Mary, wrote letters of gratitude, created woven hearts and contemplated the life of Dame Whina Cooper. The second part of our day was spent at the movies watching “Whina”, appreciating the legacy of Dame Whina Cooper.

Overall, students and staff enjoyed building connections and reflecting on the legacy of our faith and were encouraged to hear and respond boldly to the Gospels’ message.

‘She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.’ (Proverbs 31:25-26)

“Well, God gave me eyes to see, a head to think, a tongue to talk. Why not use them? Why not share what I know? That’s what I kept thinking. That’s what kept me going.” – Dame Whina Cooper