Social Sciences

Studying subjects under the Social Sciences banner prepares our students to become active, curious and reflective. They learn to address societal and global concerns using research, technology and other identifiable community resources.

Our social science subjects are summarised below. More detailed information can be found in the Social Sciences section of SchoolPoint – our online interactive course selection tool.

  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences


Accounting is the study of the processes of translating financial transaction data into information to assist decision-makers in making relevant, accurate and timely decisions. Areas covered in this course include the concepts of accounting, processing of accounting transactions, and the preparation and analysis of financial statements for businesses, individuals and community groups.


In this subject, students learn about producer and consumer choices, interactions between households and firms, how economic decisions are made, and the effects on individuals and the economy. Students will understand markets that determine prices and allocate scarce resources by learning how producers work. The course provides an understanding of different roles in economics as producers or consumers.

Classical Studies

Classical Studies is a ‘multidisciplinary’ subject that focuses on Ancient Greek and Roman Civilisation. We study aspects of History, Literature and the Roman version of the myth behind the Trojan war and Art (Roman Art and Architecture). A significant reason for studying Classics is to understand the historical importance of classical civilisation in the cultural traditions of the ancient world is an integral part of contemporary New Zealand culture.

In classical Greece and Rome, the origins of much of our art, science, literature, law, philosophy, politics, and religion are to be found. With a background in Classics, you can go on to complete a Bachelor of Arts at University.


Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and thinking. Different perspectives of psychology will be studied: these include cognitive, behaviourist, biological, psychodynamic and social behaviours. Students will also use the scientific method to learn about the practical application of psychology research and link to real-world issues. If you enjoy thinking strategically, and analytically, working in groups, discussing and thinking out of the box, then Psychology may be a course of interest.  


Geography stimulates a sense of wonder about the world, in a complex and changing world. Students will build on personal experiences of natural and cultural environments and explore real and relevant contemporary situations. Fieldwork investigations will be undertaken and we’ll consider the way features on the earth’s surface are arranged. Students will develop an awareness of the connections between people and places and the responsible actions concerning geographic issues.

In Level 1, students will study extreme natural events including earthquakes and these assignments will be assessed internally. New Zealand’s population and associated issues (e.g., sustainable use of resources, particularly dairying) will be studied and assessed externally.


In this subject, students will be study events in the twentieth century that have been significant for New Zealanders. The main topics will be The Origins of World War II, the Depression of the 1930s and Black Civil Rights in the USA. You will learn how to undertake a research investigation, communicate information in various ways, and the causes and consequences of events. You will also learn how to use a wide range of sources.


Pathways allows students to develop a path that progresses to additional study, training and employment. In Years 12 and 13 this is the chance to choose subjects such as Child Development or Tourism, or take part in the Gateway programme.


Tourism is a two-year programme of study in Years 12 and 13. This subject earns NCEA credits. It prepares students for opportunities in the tourism and hospitality sector (approximately 10% of all jobs in New Zealand). It also prepares students for entry to a tertiary Tourism school if they seek a diploma or degree that will enable them to enter this industry at a higher level.

More detailed information can be found in the Pathways section of SchoolPoint – our online interactive course selection tool.

  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences