
In Years 9 and 10, we aim to spark curiosity and make science hands-on. We are integrating digital technologies into our curriculum to enhance the science experience and provide opportunities for a wide range of learning styles and preferences. The curriculum will help students make sense of the world around them, studying a broad range of theme-based topics that integrate the four Science learning areas. Topics include Sports Science, Elements of Papatuanuku, The land of the Kiwi and many more. We also encourage learning outside the classroom with field trips allowing students to see science in action.

More detailed information can be found in the Science section of SchoolPoint – our online interactive course selection tool.

  • Science
  • Science

Senior Science

Many careers require an understanding of Science. There are two options for Level 1 Science – Applied Science and General Science.  

Applied Science course: Internal-only for students not wanting to continue beyond Level 1. 

General Science course: A mixture of internal and external assessments laying the foundation for students to specialise in Science areas at Level 2. 

Both courses build on the content during their Year 9 and 10 classes, giving students a background in Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, and Physics.


Biology is the science of life. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, changes, and distribution of living organisms. Biology is a challenging subject aiming to develop a wide range of skills, from practical and investigative skills to those associated with research and understanding biological ideas. It also places Biology into the context of the local and broader community. Independent learning is encouraged, and a primary aim is to stimulate a continuing interest in Biology.


Sound knowledge of the sciences is essential for higher education and career options. Level 2 Chemistry expands on the principles introduced at Level 1, where students explore concepts such as Organic Chemistry, Reactivity and Atomic Structure. There are also opportunities for students to learn essential practical skills that every future chemist should have.


The Level 2 course expands on the principles and ideas introduced in Junior Science. The emphasis is on mechanics, wave behaviour and electricity, and electromagnetism. The practical component is extended throughout the year and is vital for developing sound scientific techniques. This course grows an understanding of physics’s basic ideas and concepts, which is essential for those carrying on to the Level 3 course. For those not continuing, the level of achievement is a good foundation for related careers.

SSEP Programme

Our Mathematics and Science Learning areas are involved with the SSEP programme. Each Year 10 class may spend three lessons on this, visiting the workplaces and doing learning activities with the employers.